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Pricing Optimization using Conjoint Analysis

Enhanced a local caterer’s pricing strategy by conducting detailed conjoint and Van Westendorp analyses, leading to optimized subscription models and menu offerings for increased profitability and customer satisfaction.


Aunty’s Kitchen, a provider of home-cooked Indian meals for Purdue students and working professionals in West Lafayette, Indiana.


I. Current Pricing Strategies Assessment:
  • Evaluated existing subscription and individual meal pricing models.

  • Analyzed cost structure including raw materials, packaging, labor, and delivery.

II. Customer Survey:
  • Conducted surveys to understand customer preferences, willingness to pay, and the importance of various meal attributes (taste, nutrition, quality, variety, price).

  • Targeted 100 Purdue students to capture detailed insights on dining preferences and price sensitivity.

III. Conjoint Analysis:
  • Analyzed feature importance and how different combinations of features affect consumer choices.

  • Determined that taste had the highest utility value followed by variety, nutrition, and quality, with a price point of $16 being preferred over higher price points.

IV. Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Analysis:
  • Identified optimal pricing points and price ranges acceptable to customers.

Findings and Recommendations:

Optimized Pricing Models:

  • Proposed an increase in meal prices by up to $2 due to high perceived value.

  • Suggested bundling meals and desserts to encourage product trials and increase overall sales.

New Product Introduction:

Recommended introducing popular non-vegetarian options to attract a wider customer base.

Dynamic Pricing Strategy:

Advised implementing a dynamic pricing app to provide personalized discounts and offers, enhancing customer retention and satisfaction.


The detailed analyses and strategic recommendations provided a robust framework for Aunty’s Kitchen to enhance their pricing strategy, ensuring sustainable growth and improved customer satisfaction.

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